Annelies Egli

Art & Architecture Performance writing workshop Bath and Installing String Theory as part of KINdoms, Bath
I am a visual artist who has over the years, made use of a range of working techniques and approaches, seeking to express the ideas and experiences that have shaped me. This website aims to give some insight into my history and working practices, into the most prominent themes and experiences that continue to inspire and influence me.
I was born, raised and educated in Switzerland. My education in art began in Zurich, Switzerland (Foundation Studies Art & Design) I then continued with a Fine Art Degree in Bristol (Sculpture) . A few years later followed a two year part time M.A. in Fine Art Cardiff/Wales (Cardiff Institute of Higher Education)
Freelance opportunities and self employment
Celf-o-Gompas Wales Residency 2015
Ceramic Commission Cashmore Nursery
Various contracts with Creativity Works (Well being challenge, outreach,)
Bristol Children’s Hospital – temporary installation in hospital corridor

Annelies has been a co director for TANDEM ARTS CIC since 2022. Tandem Arts offers good value creative opportunities to the community. Check out Tandem on Facebook